



Vie estudiantine

École doctorale



Journée de l'étudiant Entrepreneur
Date de création: 03 Dec 2019 / 825 Vue(s)

Le club ETB FSM organise la "Journée de l'étudiant Entrepreneur" le 04 décembre 2019 à partir de 14h00.

Description :

Welcome to our very first event for this year. We thought about you a lot and that's the reason why we organized this event. It is an open invitation for all young entrepreneurs there and to everyone who has an idea but doesn't know where to start.

We are organizing this event with the help of Monastir's business center, the Young Leaders Organisation, Raida's program and Vision 2024.

Join us on Dec 4th at 2:00 pm, it's an opportunity to never miss and it is also the beginning of a group of events aiming to help all of you.

Workshops :

  1. Atelier de financement (20 places)
  2. Atelier de validation des idées (20 places)
  3. Atelier de soutien (20 places)
Formulaire d'inscription :